
Fisheries scientists redefine the salmon debate by trumpeting more ‘spill’

By Rocky Barker Idaho Statesman Increasing the amount of water spilled over eight Snake and Columbia river dams to keep juvenile fish away from hydroelectric turbines might be enough to recover most of Idaho’s endangered salmon populations without…

Following the money: The Klamath dams are a massive investment

By Joel Aschbrenner Herald & News There’s bound to be plenty of politics involved with management of the Klamath River, because there are hundreds of millions of dollars involved. There are millions involved in infrastructure, millions involved in…

Getting salmon past daunting Willamette Basin dams could have a big price tag — and a big payoff

By Scott Learn The Oregonian DETROIT DAM – If you don’t like heights, this dam’s walkways are not for you, with winds that make you wobble and a 469-foot concrete-lined drop downriver. Detroit, like the other dams wedged…